Why Manor Lords Players Wish Food Stalls Only Stock Local Goods

As a seasoned Manor Lords player with over 10 years of farming, trading, and city-building under my belt, I find myself deeply engrossed in the ongoing debate about food stalls and granaries. Having spent countless hours managing resources, I can empathize with KERD_ONE’s frustration regarding the current system. It seems illogical to me that workers would traverse long distances for resources when there are nearby alternatives. Localizing stocking would not only add a layer of realism to the game but also provide an added challenge in managing resources efficiently.

In the online forum Reddit, the attention is once more on Manor Lords, an appealing city-building game that blends strategy with resource management. A post from user “KERD_ONE” ignited a spirited conversation about the game’s logistics mechanics, focusing specifically on food stalls in relation to local granaries. The player expresses annoyance over workers gathering resources from distant locations when there are nearby food sources, raising questions about the logic behind this system and advocating for one where food stalls are stocked only with items from their respective granaries. This dialogue underscores the delicate balance between realism and gameplay efficiency, and it has led to a range of opinions among players regarding the optimal management of resources within the game.

Food stalls should be stocked only with items from the building they belong to
byu/KERD_ONE inManorLords


  • Players are advocating for resource management that aligns with geographical and logistical realities within Manor Lords.
  • There is a clear divide among players, with some preferring centralized distribution systems while others favor localized stocking.
  • The post illustrates a blend of realism and fun, with many players eager to balance effective gameplay with a believable world.
  • Comments illustrate diverse opinions that reflect player experiences and desires for game enhancements.

Localized Sourcing: A Logical Choice?

KERD_ONE’s initial post highlights a preference for a more user-friendly resource management system in Manor Lords. The issue lies with granary workers, who often stray from their tasks to gather food from the main settlement instead of directly from nearby granaries. A proposed solution is to let workers stock stalls only with items specifically stored within their assigned granary. This idea appeals to many gamers who value authenticity in supply chain management, as they see it enhancing game depth and strategy without overburdening the game mechanics.

The Case for Centralized Logistics

In simpler terms, while not all gamers support the idea of confined supply locations (localized stocking), a user named ‘lettheflamedie’ proposes a different viewpoint. This perspective suggests that workers should be able to collect resources from the nearest granary or storehouse, creating a network-like system of logistics instead of a direct delivery approach. This idea advocates for flexibility in what some players consider a rigid system, promoting an organic and interactive one where systems can overlap and adapt. Such an approach could result in diverse gameplay experiences, allowing players to design their own supply routes based on the unique geography of their settlements.

Balancing Realism with Gameplay Enjoyment

Discussing the differences between centralized and decentralized logistics in gaming takes us further into complex territory. Player nothingbutme49 points out that the existing automated distribution system is generally efficient, considering localized stock management as a “simple solution”. This perspective raises a broader question: how much authenticity should dictate game mechanics? Some players argue for proximity-based stocking to create a more immersive and realistic experience, while others value the convenience of a centralized market that addresses diverse regional requirements without hindering progress.

Player Insights: Dreams vs. Reality

Instead of just seeing logistics as a quick solution, some players are thinking more broadly about changing the mechanics. User Nimrond offers a detailed list with ideas like combining consumption tracking for families and letting markets prioritize essential items based on family demographics. This common desire for more control illustrates not only a drive to enhance the game systems in Manor Lords, but also demonstrates how deeply engaged players are within the world of Manor Lords. Further suggestions, such as markets supplying goods according to regional demand, reveal an intricate imaginative perspective that could result in a highly immersive gaming experience.

The discussion surrounding the food stalls in Manor Lords encapsulates a broader issue of game design where developers must find the sweet spot between realism and fun. Players are keenly aware of the workings within their settlements and want systems that feel authentic without being cumbersome. Whether advocating for localized sourcing or streamlined resource management, it’s clear that the community thrives on tackling these challenges together. The blend of ideas and perspectives not only makes the conversation lively but represents a shared passion for the game and its potential growth. It’s a testament to how games like Manor Lords can engage players in deeper dialogues about their mechanics, ensuring they have a voice in the evolving narrative of their beloved virtual worlds.

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2024-09-25 14:14