The Legend of Heroes Gagharv Tier List

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours spent on various battle arenas, I must say that these characters are nothing short of extraordinary! Each one brings a unique set of skills and abilities to the table, ensuring a dynamic gameplay experience that keeps you on your toes.

Gagharv” is a mobile game featuring a Gacha system. In this game, you encounter and call upon potent characters to assist you as you retell three epic stories. Here’s a breakdown of the characters in the “Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Tier List,” ranking them and explaining which ones are most effective.

Legends of Heroes Gagharv Tier List – All Heroes Ranked

In the Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy, there are five distinct categories of heroes: Attack, Defense, Magic, Long-Range, and Support. I’ve examined each of the 59 characters against their peers within their own class to generate a list showcasing the top heroes from the Gagharv Trilogy.

TierHero Name
SAida, Captain Thomas, Conrad, Eimelle, Elenoa, Gawaine, Lucias, Pure White Gueld, Ramon, Roule, Savior Avin, Shannon, Shirla, Trascendant Mile
AArchem, Aria, Belias, Borgeid, Diren, Filly, Michel, Muse, Naresa, Ollesia, Palman, Rachel, Rutice
BAvarice, Avin, Brit, Douglas, Esperius, Fatima, Forte, Madram, McVein, Mile, Rael, Thomas, Una, Zenon
CBernard, Evil Swordsman, Kandata, Lita, Log, Martie, Quatt, Rouca, Shao, Sorceror, Toubell, Woolghit
DAssassin, Billy, Evil Oracle, Jan and Rick, Jimmy, Nobeh

Best Heroes to use in Legends of Heroes Gagharv

S-Tier Heroes in Legends of Heroes Gagharv

The Legend of Heroes Gagharv Tier List

In The Legend of Heroes: Gagharv Trilogy, these characters stand out as top-tier choices for summoning. It’s advisable to select one hero from each category to establish a strong and balanced team.

  • Aida – If you’re into characters who summon allies like me, Aida is the only way to go. Not only does her summon Pedro have stats equal to 80% of Aida’s, but he also raises her attack and defense by 20% while he is being summoned. The combination of Aida’s increased attack and Pedro’s additional attack can be deadly to any enemy. This is especially true for enemies who have been damaged and stunned by Aida’s sub-skill.
  • Captain Thomas – Captain Thomas excels in dealing a lot of damage while debuffing enemy team members. When he uses his main skill, he inflicts damage worth 210% of his attack stat to all enemies while cutting their chance of evading attacks by 40%. At the same time, each enemy hit by an attack has a 50% chance of becoming frightened, turning them into easy pickings for the rest of your team.
  • Conrad – Conrad is an essential pick if you want someone to shield the rest of your team from damage. Firstly, he starts off every battle by giving his allies +20% physical damage reduction for 30 seconds. Secondly, his main skill gives all allies a 10-second shield worth 245% of Conrad’s total attack. His passive ability protects allies at the start of the battle while he builds up his ability. If these shielding capabilities weren’t enough, he can also summon an earth spirit to fight alongside your team.
  • Eimelle – Eimelle can resurrect the most recently fallen ally, giving you a second chance in any fight. Since her healing spell heals allies over 8 seconds, allies will be able to recover health lost if they are attacked during this time even if they were previously full health. Her mana regeneration abilities allow teammates to use skills more frequently.
  • Elenoa – Like Conrad, Elenoa can summon a spirit to assist your team. Her water spirit is very offense-focused and deals a mighty punch in combination with Elenoa’s own strength. One of her best aspects is her passive, giving all allies a shield lasting 10 seconds at the start of a battle and then refreshing it every 10 seconds.
  • Gawaine – Stun-locking is the name of the game for Gawaine. His primary skill damages all enemies in range and stuns them for three seconds. In addition to this, his basic attacks have a 20% chance to do extra damage and stun his enemies for 2 seconds. Put him on a team with someone like Fatima, who increases attack speed, to make him stun enemies more often through persistent attacks.
  • Lucias – Lucias is a high-powered damage dealer who attacks both physically and magically. Her main skill does physical damage worth nearly 5x her damage stat while increasing her critical hit chance by 15% and her knockback resistance by 6. Her higher crit chance is important because performing hits increases her attack speed through her passive. I recommend putting her near an ally that increases either her crit chance or attack speed to strengthen her further.
  • Pure White Gueld – Gueld’s first skill improves allies’ evasion and accuracy, allowing them to deal more damage while taking less. Her ability to heal the lowest health ally after dealing a basic attack will keep your team alive more consistently during battle.
  • Ramon – Increasing his allies’ attack and critical hit chance is what Ramon does best. This makes it easier for your team to pick off low-health characters while whittling down those with high-defense stats. To make his ability to take on tank-like enemies even greater, his attacks will always hit the enemy with the highest health and lower their resistance to physical attacks for 10 seconds up to 10 times in a fight.
  • Roule – Roule was the most unexpected star I found while examining the Gagharv heroes. While he is a one-star hero, his passive ability increases his strength in such a way that he can fight alongside the best three-star characters. Every 15 seconds, his attack is increased for 10 seconds in intervals of 20%, 40%, and then 60%. This strength is amplified by his main skill damaging every character on the enemy team. If you play your cards right, he could sweep the enemy team before they know what’s hit them.
  • Savior Avin – This is undoubtedly the superior version of Avin. All of his skills deal magic damage, which is boosted by 50% thanks to his passive. His sub-skill is unique in that it hits all enemies in a straight line rather than hitting certain enemies or damaging enemies in one area. At the same time, it reduces their defenses by 20% for 8 seconds. It may not seem like a long time, but it’s enough for all of Avin’s teammates to get a couple of shots in.
  • Shannon – Shannon’s specialty is in buffing allies depending on their stats. Her first skill picks out the best damage dealer on your team, increasing their damage by 50% for 10 seconds, and recovering half their total mana. Using this skill on a powerful damage hero allows them to quickly and efficiently wipe out any enemies in their path with both basic attacks and skills. If you have an ally that is struggling, she can make them immune to damage for 5 seconds while increasing their damage by 150%. This is especially useful if used on the same damage dealer the first skill was used on.
  • Shirla – Shirla is an effective ranged fighter that uses poison to deal damage over time to her enemies. Any enemies she hits with a critical strike or her main skill will be poisoned for a set time. This allows you to continuously deal damage to enemies even while waiting for your characters to recharge their attacks.
  • Transcendent Mile – Mile’s Transcendent variation has one of the highest damage outputs of any ranged character. Not only does his main skill do a whopping 520% of his regular attack powder, but every 3 basic attacks he performs inflicts extra physical damage and increases his power by 4% until he reaches an extra 20% power. Since his attacks are pretty much guaranteed to hit, no enemy can stand in his path for long. He’ll quickly pick off low-health enemies and take large chunks out of a boss’ health bar with no problem.

A-Tier Heroes in Legends of Heroes Gagharv

The Legend of Heroes Gagharv Tier List

Although they may not match the exceptional abilities of our top-tier heroes, these B-rank characters are more than capable of completing tasks effectively.

  • Archem – Archem specializes in reducing the damage her allies take by debuffing her enemies. She can both reduce all enemies’ damage by 10% and put the enemy with the highest damage to sleep, preventing them from dealing any extra damage. Additionally, while healing allies she can remove a single negative effect applied to them. This further reduces the damage they may have taken from these effects while increasing how long they’ll survive in a fight.
  • Aria – Aria is a strong healer whose abilities either heal teammates instantly while granting them a shield or heal allies over time. The first is perfect for scenarios in which an enemy performs a strong attack hitting every member of your team while the second is great for general healing in the middle of a match. As a bonus, when an ally falls Aria will lower the damage of all enemies by 20% for 6 seconds. This gives you enough time to cast more healing spells to prevent any other allies from falling.
  • Belias – Although he’s a villain, Belias can be the hero of your team. His basic attacks reduce enemies’ magical damage resistance for 5 seconds, empowering his skills when timed correctly as each inflicts magical damage. He’d do well paired with another magical damage dealer to take full advantage of his applied debuffs.
  • Borgeid – If you looked up “glass cannon” in a dictionary, Borgeid’s face would be the first thing you see. Every 5 seconds, he gains +5% attack (up to 50% total) in exchange for losing 3% of his max health. This health debuff makes him much easier to kill later on in fights. However, the offensive buff he gets makes him a force to be reckoned with, especially since his exploding fireballs damage enemies in range rather than only targeting a single enemy.
  • Diren – Diren’s skills are like a supporting character was put into a defender’s body. Rather than giving temporary shields, his passive gives all allies a 15% defense increase. As he casts spells, he increases his allies’ accuracy, attack stats, and occasionally their mana. If you’re worried about the lasting power of shields, Diren’s defensive buffs will leave you confident and keep your heroes in the fight.
  • Filly – Filly’s greatest strength is her passive ability, which lowers the attack and defense of all enemies by 15%. This increases her teammates’ overall damage output and their ability to live through multiple enemy attacks. After debuffing enemies, her skills can be used to raise the stamina and health of all allies.
  • Michel – Michele is a steady damage dealer who gets stronger the longer a fight goes on. 45 seconds after a battle starts, Michel will deal an extra 50% damage for 10 seconds. The higher his level is, the more powerful this buff becomes. You’ll want to pair him with a good healer and a good tank to ensure he survives long enough to reach this buff.
  • Muse – Muse is unique because her sub-skill allows her to damage the enemy’s backline while pulling the enemy furthest away right in front of her. This power is already strong on its own because it puts defensively weaker long-range and support characters in the perfect position for your team to jump on them. Pair it with her passive, which has a 20% chance of dealing magical damage to nearby enemies when Muse is hit, to easily wipe out backline squishy heroes in one fell swoop.
  • Naresa – Naresa is a unique case of a one-star character being as strong as rarer heroes. This is due in part to his passive, which makes his teammates immune to both charm and confusion. He is also able to boost his teammate’s speed momentarily through his sub-skill. In addition to strengthening his teammates in these ways, he can stun enemies for 3 seconds after hitting them with his primary skill to create opportunities to knock them out without fear of retribution.
  • Ollesia – Ollesia starts fights strong by giving allies a shield worth 80% of her attack power for the first 10 seconds of the battle. This gives your team an edge over any opponent since you’ll be dealing damage directly to them while they’ll have to waste time chipping away at your shields. Her other skills prioritize increasing ally defense through shields and defense buffs to prevent them from dying early in the game. Every second she increases their lifespan is another second you have to attack, use skills, and take down your enemies.
  • Palman – Palman is the ideal hero for taking out injured enemies. His primary skill does physical damage worth a whopping 500% of his attack stat, which starts at 101. If he kills an enemy using this ability, he’ll leap forward and attack other enemies up to three times. Use this poke damage to get at least one other member of the enemy team to low health, then repeat the process by taking them out using Palman’s skill.
  • Rachel – Rachel’s strengths lie mainly in her attack power and her damage output speed. After every basic attack she performs, her speed will increase by 3% until she has become 30% faster. This allows her to consistently chip away at enemy health while building up her main skill, which has the opportunity to deal a lot of damage quickly. Additionally, she’s not only a capable fighter. Her sub-skill heals her weakest ally and gives them a little extra mana to let them get in a few more strikes.
  • Rutice – Rutice specializes in protecting teammates against magical attacks. Casting her main spell cuts the magical damage her allies take in half for six seconds, which is a game changer if used before an enemy uses an offensive, powerful magical skill. Additionally, her physical attacks will do additional magical damage to have a greater impact against any enemy.

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2024-09-27 14:51