Exploring Fan Ideas for Origin Characters in Baldur’s Gate 3

As a seasoned adventurer who has traversed the tumultuous landscapes of Faerûn for decades, I find myself captivated by the ongoing discussions among fellow Baldur’s Gate enthusiasts regarding potential origin characters for Baldur’s Gate 3. Having witnessed the rise and fall of countless heroes and villains, I can attest to the power of a compelling backstory and engaging narrative.

Discussion about Baldur’s Gate has reignited among gamers, especially as they ponder which characters could have had captivating backstories in Baldur’s Gate 3. A recent Reddit post titled ‘Characters who should have been origin characters?’ ignited a vibrant debate, with users discussing characters they think would enrich the game’s storyline and mechanics. From popular figures to lesser-known ones, gamers are carefully analyzing these suggestions, aiming to understand why certain characters appeal to fans.

Who should’ve been an origin character?
byu/NoSoyVerde1 inBaldursGate3


  • Fans are passionate about their character choices, with some leaning towards established favorites and others advocating for newer additions.
  • Several users suggest Barcus, a character believed to have a rich backstory that aligns with existing game narratives.
  • Minthara is another popular suggestion; however, fans acknowledge the complexities of integrating her into the current story structure.
  • The community shared numerous creative possibilities for these characters, bringing in various gameplay dynamics and emotional narratives.

The Case for Barcus

In this discussion thread, there’s a lot of talk about introducing Barcus as an origin character in the game, as fans think he would greatly improve the gaming experience. User ‘Ethel121’ suggests that if Barcus was a small race party member who got kidnapped by the nautiloid while searching for Wulbren, it would fit perfectly into the storyline. Others agree, expressing that Barcus’s tale seamlessly complements the main narrative and offers amusing interplay with other characters. They also believe that incorporating his quest within the current setup could add layers to the game and make the content more captivating. A user even imagines Barcus as an origin who says, “Okay, forget about the tadpoles and ceremorphosis threat, *I need to find my friend*,” which could introduce a fascinating twist early in the gameplay.

Minthara’s Potential

The character Minthara, however, brought forth a more complicated discussion. While many players agree that she would make a fascinating origin choice, others recognize the challenges in incorporating her. A user mentioned, “I would like more from Minthara’s VA and a lawful evil origin, but her being one doesn’t work with the current structure.” This perspective highlights how players appreciate the character’s potential, even while acknowledging that her inclusion may disrupt narrative continuity. The desire for more depth and nuance in her character adds to the ongoing community score about her significance in the game. There’s enthusiasm about the duality in her moral alignment, which could bring about innovative gameplay choices. The dialogue surrounding Minthara showcases players’ desire for complex, morally ambiguous characters that should be a staple of storytelling in RPGs.

Creative Alternatives

Beyond Barcus and Minthara, various additional characters were proposed in the post. Some users showed enthusiasm for Isobel as a possible origin character, hinting that her backstory could offer an engaging twist. User ‘Drowsy_Deer’ stated, “Isobel would be intriguing as an Origin Character,” revealing a preference for lesser-known characters to shine. This has sparked a surge of creativity among fans, who are excited about the prospect of reimagining these characters within diverse storylines and gameplay scenarios. Envisioning unique character journeys enables players to ponder potential skills, interactions with other allies, and impact on various endings.

Charming Additions Like Alfira

Moving beyond the heavier character selections, the community has also proposed lighter options such as Alfira. One person quipped jokingly, “Narrator: *These adventurers appear friendly enough. Maybe you could serenade them with a tune or two, in return for a meal and a blanket for the night.*” This lighthearted tone indicates that fans enjoy characters who combine humor, appeal, and complexity. Characters like Alfira could counteract the frequent somber tones found in RPG stories, offering players a chance to encounter more uplifting scenes amid their heroic journeys. The online discussions reveal that fans are eager to interact with a diverse array of characters, thereby creating a richer and more nuanced universe within Baldur’s Gate 3.

Discussions in the subreddit offer a glimpse into what gamers really want from their gaming journeys, be it the wit of Barcus, the ethical dilemmas presented by Minthara, or the imagination sparked when picturing characters like Alfira as leading figures. Players are actively shaping the future of Baldur’s Gate 3, with a focus on unraveling deeper storylines and developing more nuanced characters. This pursuit suggests that developers may incorporate such elements as they perfect this cherished game. As the community keeps expressing their thoughts and suggestions, it underscores the game’s ability to create lasting, impactful experiences for players.

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2024-09-26 22:43