Diablo Eternal Dilemma: To Delete or Not to Delete?

As a long-time Diablo fan and dedicated seasonal player, I’ve witnessed the ongoing debate surrounding the transfer of characters from seasonal to eternal realms with great interest. Having invested countless hours into my seasonal characters, the prospect of carrying over items and progression has become a topic close to my heart.

In the Diablo gaming community, there’s a significant debate going on: what becomes of players’ seasonal characters once they make the switch to the everlasting realm? Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing topic!

Seasonal character to eternal question
byu/milembi indiablo4


  • Some players value the continuity of their progress between seasons, while others prefer starting fresh.
  • There’s a divide on whether items and progression should carry over or reset each season.
  • The concept of ‘rebirth’ for characters sparks curiosity and varied opinions.

Opinions on Transferring Characters

OpportunityRare2954 is a strong advocate for smoothly moving items into permanent storage, highlighting the significance of effective management. In contrast, WorkerUnable8912 chooses to eliminate their eternal character following each season in order to create more room.

Rebirth Mechanics Contemplation

Cookie4Tiko poses an intriguing query about the meaning of “reborn” in the game, potentially alluding to rich backstory or innovative mechanics. This invites players to ponder and generate various hypotheses.

Community Frustrations and Desires

Xbtkcrowley voices disappointment over deleted characters and pushes for saving advancements throughout each gaming season to improve player experience. Similar sentiments resonate with other gamers seeking a smoother, uninterrupted game progression.

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2024-07-21 18:45